Yarn: 1 skein Manos del Uruguay Wool Clasica (Color 38)
Pattern: Star Crossed Slouchy Beret by Natalie Larson
Needles: US 10 & 10.5 circs
This was given to me from 2 gals at school. It was a pleasant surprise and I certainly was really excited about yarn :-)
I started this project as the instructions stated, using size 10 & 11 needles. I noticed that there were some people who were able to complete this project using 1 skein and the 10 & 11 needle size, but unfortunately, I am not one of those people. I made it to the 1st decrease round and only had 12 inches of yarn left. I tried using 9 and 10, but felt that that the hat would have been too small, so finally I ended up using 10 & 10.5 needles and completed the hat with a success with 6 inches to spare. Without blocking, the hat just fits, snugly, so hopefully blocking it will loosen it up.
Merry Christmas, the project has finally been blocked.

Yarn: 0.75 skeins Brown Sheep Burly Spun (BS-04 Charcoal Heather)
Pattern: Shroom by Lee Juvan
Needles: US 11 & 13 circs

Yarn: 0.5-0.75 balls Berroco Sox (1425 John Moores)
Pattern: Slip Stitch Heel Basic Socks from "Socks From the Toe" by Wendy Johnson AND Universal Toe-Up Sock Formula by Amy Swenson
Needles: US 2 DPN
These socks are FINALLY finished. I was able to successfully finish them and they do fit!! Bonus! See Ravelry Notes.

Yarn: 1 skein Brown Sheep Burly Spun (BS-04 Charcoal Heather)
Pattern: Horizontal Cowl by Jennifer Fay
Needles: US 15
I’ve knit and bound this off two times already. The first time I took it to JoAnns to find 2” buttons, but couldn’t find any that I liked (Davenport, IA has a horrible selection). I tried taking a few rows out, but it just wasn’t working, so I decided to start over. I started fresh again, bound off and had button holes that would fit my buttons, but when I went to block, the darn project measured well over 47” - WOWZERS, we have a problem. NOW I’m finishing some other projects and am going to start the darn thing again for the 3rd time, but when I measure it, I’m going to stretch the fabric out. This project is really easy, but it’s pretty frustrating if anything else.
Knit to a “stretched” 28” to compensate the stretching when I’m going to actually wash it. For the button holes, I knit 6 sts before making the hole and only did 1 slip over. Maybe I should have followed the knit 3 then work button? Who knows. Well it’s done. I’m still mulling it over as to whether I like the project or not. Initially I was really excited, but then I washed it and the stretching occurred, thus the reknit.

I also "finished" a project that I'm going to redo. After wearing them, they are too big.
Yarn: Brown Sheep Burly Spun (BS-04 Charcoal Heather)
Pattern: Super Bulky Mittens for Women by Diane Soucy
I’ve made this pattern before and I never can seem to get the gauge right for super bulky yarn. It seems like I have to modify the pattern because the number of cast on sts is a bit childishly small. After futzing, this is what I came with on US 13 needles. I also don’t have US 15 or 17 dpn, so I really couldn’t futz with the needle size to make gauge, so I increased the cast on sts.
CO 18
Rib for 3 rounds.
K for 5 rounds.
Gusset - 8 sts on holder.
Picked up 3 Sts - 11 total on needles.
Followed rest of directions.
All done. I think that next time instead of increasing the 3rd time for the thumb that I would just knit another 3 rows before dividing for the body. The thumb is a little big, not huge, but big enough. The thumb does feel like my Bella’s mitten’s thumb, so I guess it’s not too bad.
After wearing them, I’ve decided that they are too big, so I’m going to take them apart and redo them.

I also got some yarn for a hat:
Yarn: Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool (color 59)
Pattern: Caroline by Hannah Ingalls

Within the last month, I've had to replace my old iPod because it wasn't holding a charge anymore. I ended up getting an iPod touch. The cases don't really protect the screen, so I knitted a "cozy" in hopes to protect the screen. Here it is:
Yarn: Sandy's Palette Pair of Sox
Pattern: Cabled iPod Sock by Maggie Menzel
Needles: US 2 DPN

In hopes to finish this project by spring, I've started:
Yarn: Valley Yarns Goshen (17 Purple Haze)
Pattern: St. James by Tonya Wagner

Sadly, I haven't gotten much knitting done since December, that also includes the baby blanket, unfortunately. I better get going on that one.
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