Yarn: 2 skeins Berroco Seduce (4460 Kitten Gray)
Pattern: Windansea by Kristi Porter
Needles: US 6 circular and dpn
Size: L
Apparently I have a large head.
The hat is finally finished. The pattern is actually really easy. I ended up having to redo the pattern because I screwed it up at first. I did add the elastic and am a little disappointed as to how thick it was. JoAnn’s didn’t have anything else. Maybe next time I won’t add the elastic if I decide to make the hat again. I ended up ordering the millinery wire from Judith M Supplies. Since I have been inside most of the summer either in class or studying, I really haven’t had the opportunity to wear it much.
Something that I've started but had to redo:
Yarn: 3 skeins Cascade 220 (7811 Purple Jewel Heather)
Pattern: Two-Tone Ribbed Shrug by Stefanie Japel from Fitted Knits
Size: 17" shoulder to shoulder
I decided not to do a two-toned shrug, but one color instead because of the limitations of what I could wear with two colors. I started this on US 8 needles, like the pattern advised, and checked my gauge - it was okay, so I forged on. I was nearly done with one of the sleeves when I decided to measure the back and it measured 21" or so. One of my biggest problems that I never do, but need to is make a swatch. It happens all of the time and you'd think that I would learn from it? I'm going to try knitting on size 9 needles and hopefully it'll work this time, but first a swatch.
More Yarn:
Yarn: 2 skeins Cascade 220 (7811 Purple Jewel Heather)
Pattern: Inca Felted Clutch by Leigh Radford
I decided on the same color as the shrug, so I can make something out of the leftovers.
Yarn: 5 skeins Berroco Weekend (5940 Plum)
Pattern: Lacy Leaf Satchel by Pam Powers
Yarn: 8 balls Valley Yarns Goshen (17 purple haze)
Pattern: St. James by Tonya Wagner
Can you tell that I like the color purple??